Happy Holidays

Hey folks! Wassup? Making the most of this summer vacation? Everyone I know is either off on a holiday or is busy making travel plans. So I thought it would be great fun if we extend this holiday mania to our game as well. How to play It’s a simple crossword game wherein you need … More Happy Holidays

Bollywood Trivia

Hey! Are you a Bollywood buff like me? I simply love watching movies. No wonder I end up posting most games centred around the theme Bollywood. So here I am with yet another game which is a sort of a Bollywood quiz. How to play What follow are a few questions that give you clues … More Bollywood Trivia

Skip the Multiples

Hello everyone! How are you all? It’s been a while since I posted a game. So here I am, with an interesting game “Skip the Multiples”. It’s a really simple game, but requires alertness of mind. How to play All the players need to be seated in a circle. Now with mutual consent, choose a … More Skip the Multiples

Spot the Difference

Welcome back all you lovely people. Today we’ve got you a really simple yet interesting game called “Spot the Difference”. I’m sure you’ve tried it it before, so why not give this one a shot as well. You would need a smart phone for this. Play it in your kitty parties or forward to all … More Spot the Difference

Tol Mol ke Bol

Tol mol ke Bol. Sounds familiar? Doesn’t it. Remember that show back in the 90s hosted by Madhvan where a host of items were put up on display and the participants had to guess the price of the article? Yes that’s exactly what you have to do in this game. How to play You’ll be … More Tol Mol ke Bol

The Slang Queen

Hello ol u b’ful ppl! Gud 2 c u ol bak. Wondering what happened to my English? Ah! Just trying to catch up with the Internet slang thats so often used for text messages and chatting. It’s no longer just a matter of convenience, but also considered uber cool to use these acronyms, especially amongst … More The Slang Queen