Happy Holidays

Hey folks! Wassup? Making the most of this summer vacation? Everyone I know is either off on a holiday or is busy making travel plans. So I thought it would be great fun if we extend this holiday mania to our game as well.

How to play
It’s a simple crossword game wherein you need to locate basic things you take on a holiday. There are 10 items in all and you can find them horizontally as well as vertically on this crossword. You get a minutes time to do this. The player who locates the maximum items will be adjudged winner.

Here’s a list of things you can find on this crossword. Whether you want to disclose these items to all the players beforehand or not is totally your choice.

  • Passport
  • Visa
  • Tickets
  • Forex
  • Luggage
  • Camera
  • Clothes
  • Shoes
  • Medicines
  • Dental kit



imageHope you’ll enjoy playing this fun game.  Here’s wishing you all a Happy Holidays.  


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